Directions to Geringswalde
Arriving from south:
A4 exit Oberlichtenau; go to Mittweida, in Mittweida go to Rochlitz/Geringswalde; in Erlau (crossroad): turn right (main road turns left to Rochlitz); after about 10 km in Altgeringswalde before a sharp right turn go left; at the end of the road turn left to the main road B175 to Geringswalde; about 250 m after town entry turn right into the industrial area *Gewerbepark Dresdener Strasse 81* (opposite to Nahkauf discounter). Please follow signs to *Haus D*.
Arriving from north /east/west:
A14 (from Leipzig or Dresden) exit Leisnig; in Leisnig go to Döbeln/Hartha; at the Hartha-Kreuz leave the 1. roundabout at the 1. exit to Colditz/Mittweida and the 2. roundabout at the 2. exit to Mittweida/Rochlitz; follow the main road to Geringswalde (about 5 km); about 250 m after the town entry turn right into the industrial area *Gewerbepark Dresdener Strasse 81* (opposite to Nahkauf discounter). Please follow signs to *Haus D*.