SAP Business One helps to adjust forms, queries and reports at any time to the individual business requirements - without training. Settings and permits can be set individually and import and export capabilities for internal mail, e-mail and the data can be created.
The modules as an overview: - Company selection: various basic settings
- Initialization and general preferences: company data and settings for the chart of accounts, tax codes, sales reps, territories, projects, address formats, payment terms, supplier, customer, item and commission groups, storage, sample service contracts, service queues, banks, payment and shipping methods
- Permits: access control for information (accessible read-only or locked) by team, department or branch
- Fixing of exchange rates: the basis for all reports and data collected
- Utilities: Backup automated processes, financial statements, filing and data import/export
- Recovery: data management and deployment
- Alarms and messages: notifications for internal users, customers and suppliers with the opportunity to have personal profiles for these messages
- Opening balances: ability to enter opening balances at the start of the company
- Master data: in SAP Business One centrally managed data include the master records of all customers and suppliers
- BOM: hierarchical product structures cover "from top to bottom" all single assigned materials
Innovative features enable SAP Business One to create an individual program interface and essential steps.
Cockpit - The cockpit of SAP Business One enables to adapt the daily work environment easily and flexibly to individual requirements. Each user can create its own interface with required tasks, browser, key corporate performance indicators or other evaluations - in a single view. Therewith, the applications become personalized and the daily business accelerated.
Dashboard - Dashboards of SAP Business One provide a comprehensive overview of the overall situation of the company. Transaction data is intuitively aggregated and make it easier to grasp situations quickly by interactive charts and graphs tachometer. A deeper analysis is also possible. It allows to penetrate into details, select different scales and time periods and to filter data according to your wishes.
Mobile scenarios - The integration component of SAP Business One contains a number of scenarios that can be integrated with external applications in the enterprise software. With the mobile scenario, it is possible, for example, to connect mobile devices like iPhones via apps or add-ons quick and easy and to get access to corporate data at any time.
Searching aids - A predefined search helps to show values for each field of the solution, including custom fields.
Alarms and Permits - Workflow-based alerts can be defined. If certain events occur once the responsible employees get notified immediately and can respond promptly. The associated tolerance ranges and limits can be set individually. If one of these rules is violated, SAP Business One runs immediately the required processes. The automatic notification and alarm functions of SAP Business One avoid the need to monitor all business activities manually. The exception-based alert system provides immediate notification if a threshold has been exceeded or fallen below. In that case, the baseline data can be quickly analyzed and decisions quickly made by sound information.
Country versions - Applicable law and local customary business practices can be reliably maintained - no matter where. SAP Business One offers a variety of country-specific features to cover the legal, currency technical and financial requirements of every country worldwide. This also includes, for example, customized financial entries, print layouts and reports. SAP's software offers as part of regular maintenance patches to keep legal changes in these countries at any time up to date.
Adaptation - SAP Business One can be adapted without much effort on specific operational requirements. For this purpose, own preferences for forms, queries and reports will be determined in order to map the business processes seamlessly. The key functions of SAP Business One can be expanded as needed by pre-integrated industry-specific add-on software solutions from our partners. By using the integration functionality of SAP Business One based on SAP NetWeaver ® and SAP Business One Software Development Kit (SAP Business One SDK), applications of third party solutions can seamlessly be integrated into SAP. Changes and enhancements in SAP Business One can easily be transferred into future versions. Changes in programming are not necessary for this - the Software Development Kit provides a backward compatibility. Branches or factories in other countries can be integrated easily and inexpensively - for SAP Business One is based on a unified programming with localizations for about 40 countries.
Custom Fields - Custom fields for existing tables can be defined or new tables can be added to SAP Business One. Thus, almost all objects in the solution can be adjusted to individual needs - such as master data (customers or inventory items), sales and purchasing documents (such as customer orders, invoices, purchase orders), line item (invoice items, order items), financial transactions (journal entries and journal entry lines), service calls, service contracts or BOM. Custom fields can also be selected for different types of information - for text or addresses, phone numbers, URLs, file attachments, images and drop-down lists. While upgrading SAP Business One, these fields will be automatically incorporated into the respective database.
Reliability and performance - SAP provides a powerful remote support platform for SAP Business One, to keep the solution up to date and avoid business disruptions proactively. This platform as an automatic monitoring tool helps to prevent system blockages. In addition, the SAP support services gather information on the status of the solution and check the system for known problems. Regular status reports are available via e-mail. Automatic corrections also help to take preventive action, and that saves time and effort.
Data archiving - the running database can be kept lean and the system performance can be optimized by the new capabilities for data archiving in SAP Business One. Companies that have already been working for more than two years with SAP Business One can archive completed business transactions of previous periods (such as closed sales or purchasing documents, journal entries matched). The functions allow you to review the results of the archiving process prior to the actual execution.
Software Development Kit - The SAP Business One Software Development Kit is a comprehensive toolkit with programming interfaces (APIs), sample code, simple utility programs and documentation. The SDK helps, for instance, to create quickly and easily interfaces to link external applications with SAP Business One. Using the SDK can also help to develop complementary functions and expanded the SAP software. SAP Business One consists of a level for the graphical user interface and a separate business object level. Both levels can be accessed in full with SAP Business One SDK.